Pastor’s Encouragement

“The Torrent of the last days, Inherit the Mission” – Rev. Leo Kwan

In the past two years, North Side and the churches of Sydney, together we were experiencing the sea change of era, while also experiencing God’s preservation and grace. Under this background, I lift up the pen to write a testimonial, as a retrospective and look forward to encouraging each other in the Lord.

During the pandemic that began in early 2020, the church was not only affected in Sunday worship services but also in pastoral care, fellowship life, the disconnection within the community of faith but also disconnected with the community. All became chaotic during the pandemic epidemic under the government epidemic policy; the human heart becomes weak. Church worship services and other physical gatherings need to be turned online, and shepherding believers in protracted circumstances is challenging.

Although with the help of network software, gatherings were held online, believers are getting accustomed to this model. Through the internet media, a variety of spiritual food supply from Christian world helps God’s Word be available to Christians, but this cannot replace personal pastoral care. Believers’ physical, spiritual and spiritual health suffers the damage. Pray that after the epidemic, believers can reply to the “group of faith and love” and be the witness of the Lord. Under the epidemic situation,

Rev. Chow had planned to retire at the end of 2020, and in terms of the heavy and complex church ministries and the expected changes of the pastor team, he was willing to postpone his retirement to the end of 2021, so that everything could be arranged in an orderly manner, and thank God for Rev. Chow’s loyalty;

At the same time, the Church is setting the theme of “Having the mind of Christ, Transform through Crisis” in 2021, pointing out the challenges facing the Church, generational transformation, and the expected post-epidemic church ecology will be rapidly networked, the struggle between physical gatherings and the network world, the epidemic will only accelerate the disclosure of the current situation, the Church is also looking for pastoral and evangelistic opportunities,

The Vision and Direction of the Church

In 2021, the pastor staff seeks the vision and direction of the Church in prayer, sets a return to the foundation of faith, and rediscovers the purpose and mission of the Church’s existence. Therefore, the theme of the church for the next two years (2022-23) is, “With a Heart of Christ, Love the Lord your God, Having the Mind of Christ, Loving the Lord your God” (2022), “Having the Mind of Christ, Loving your neighbour as yourself” (2023), just as the Lord Christ set the great commandment “The Lord Jesus said: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength, the second is this ‘Love your neighbour as yourself” (Mark 12:30-31). So on the pulpit we preach God’s work from the Book of Romans (Second Half of 2021) which laid the groundwork for our faith. In 2022 we study the Book of Exodus, both in pulpit and fellowship groups Bible study to learn God’s attributes and God’s redemptive story in this torrent of last days.

Transformation of the pastoral team

In the past year, in addition to the impact of the epidemic, the transformation of pastoral team workers, including the retirement of our long serving senior pastor Rev. Chow,  the leaving of Pastor Leo Chow who was called by God to continue his theological studies. In June 2021, Church appointed three pastoral recruitment teams (team of senior pastor, of mandarin ministry pastor and of youth ministry pastor). In human thought, it seems an impossible tasks to accomplished. Church leaders, and congregations have little faith and are filled with worries and doubts. But God is faithful, kind and merciful to the church, and we see God’s wonderful deeds (Ps. Li Xinning started his ministry in the Mandarin congregation in June, Pastor Andrew Choy will be the in-coming senior pastor of North Side, who is in the midst of C&MA National Office licensing procedures;  and there is another candidate, if of God’s Will, will be another one- North Side youth ministry pastor). And how great contrast for our experiencing His Grace-and faithfulness comparing our human faith.

The challenge of the congregation In mid-2021, the church Elder Board invited Rev. Leung Ming Sang to hold a leadership workshop entitled “Church Strategic Plan Ready Session” to examine the church’s spiritual condition, leadership qualities and ministry structure, and to assess the feasibility of re-structuring type future development, and after the workshop, the conclusion indicates there is lack of impetus for strategic change. The Church is overshadowed by “disappointment”, The reflection brought forward of the Apostle Paul’s encouragement of 2 Corinthians 6:10 “Sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything,”. We believe that God is not asking for “development” in North Side’s term, but watching God has placed all kinds of “His call” before our eyes to ride the wave. All kind of needs includes the burden on the Mandarin congregation of reaching out to the community; the burden of youth ministry in the English congregation; the burden of new migrant and children ministry challenges to the Cantonese congregation. All of these are precisely the work and challenges that God has entrusted to North Side. Sending His servants- pastors shows God already in work. What He needs from North Side is to be His faithful servant, not blind or deaf, but trust God, as it is written in the scriptures: “I lift up my eyes to You, to you who sit enthroned in heaven…as the eyes of slaves look to the hand of their Master.” and He also said “But he who waits for the Lord will be empowered from the new. They will soar like eagles; They run without sleepiness, but they walk without fatigue. (Isaiah 40:31).

EM Cell groups

Thankful to God that the Cell Group ministry has entered into its third year. Even though COVID continues to affect our daily lives, our three cell groups are still consistently meeting every two weeks either in the homes of members or at church.  Alternatively, online meetings are also taking place when there is a need.

We are currently going through ‘The Shadow of Glory’ – Exodus bible studies. We have been bonding together through bible study, sharing God’s work in our life and praying for one another. We also continue to join together in fellowship through birthday celebrations and social activities.

The cell group committee is looking at reshuffling the groups next year.

Praying that God will continue to utilise cell group ministry as a means of continuing to grow this community in their spiritual walks.

Iris Chung (On behalf of EM Cell Group Leaders )

本年度會友小統計 Church Membership Statistics

受浸者名單 Baptism List

(29/05/2022) 黃祖勤弟兄、施少珍姊妹、黃麗賢姊妹、Teresa唐雨欣姊妹

轉入會友名單 Transfer-in Membership List

(29/05/2022) Brock Li李新寧傳道、Mabel李張清薇姊妹、司徒世安弟兄、莫麗萍姊妹、 Miki吳愛群姊妹

本年度會友新生兒名單 New Born Baby

(24/09/2021) Leah鍾一心(Matthew鍾共鳴、Erika鍾王曉澄夫婦之女兒)

本年度結婚會友名單 Newly Married Member

(29/12/2021) Angus余博謙弟兄與* Alison陳洛𤧟姊妹

本年度安息會友名單  Member be with the Lord

(01/01/2022) 陳智安弟兄
(13/03/2022) Scarlet謝曾佩英姊妹
(27/07/2022) 李鑽珍姊妹

国语事工 Mandarin Ministry

Ps. Brock Li 李新宁传道


持续近三年的COVID-19疫情,使国语事工面对前所未有的挑战,也带来了全新的机遇。截止到今年五月底之前,在周敬达传道的带领下,面对去年底的新一波Omicron疫情的冲击,国语崇拜模式也走向「混合模式」(Hybrid Model)——实体崇拜聚会和网络崇拜聚会同步进行;通过网络的个人式门徒训练与小组式关怀牧养相互兼备。自今年4月3日国语堂搬至Boronia Grove Community Centre崇拜开始,国语事工开启了「委身大使命,传扬主福音」的新篇章,期间虽然面对场地预订、设备搬运、影音设置等诸多的不便,但感谢神的恩典和引领、教会牧长和其它堂会弟兄姊妹们的理解、支持和配合,国语事工正进入深入社区、传扬福音、造就信徒的新阶段。随着七月份起国语堂「清晨颂歌」、「清晨甘露」、「信仰探寻」等各项新事工的陆续开展;主日讲台的教导,以及探访的深入进行,鼓励弟兄姊妹们更多地参与实体崇拜,渴慕追求神的话语,并学习同心合意,搭配服事,在属灵上不断更新成长。九月初的「回家·团圆」中秋晚会的顺利举行,更激励弟兄姊妹们同心合意,为主作工,活出见证。感谢主的恩典和带领,即将在十月初举行的「·回家」生活营,已经有近八十人报名参加,这也将成为弟兄姊妹经历旷日持久疫情隔离之后,难得的主内欢聚团聚时刻,也成为慕道的亲友们认识福音、见证主爱的机会。















自今年七月份以来,国语堂开展了一系列新的事工活动,不但充分利用Boronia Grove Community Centre早上的时段,也鼓励弟兄姊妹在积极参与的过程中,增加对教会和国语堂群体的认同感,凝聚力和主内的彼此关顾,彼此相爱。到目前为止,国语堂开设了以下新的事工:

初信栽培周五早上 10:30am-11:30am7月15日起,每周五
羽你童行主日下午 03:00pm-05:00pm每月第一和第三个主日下午
感恩见证分享会主日下午12:30pm-01:30pm7月31日起逢第五个主日下午 (约38人参加)


国语堂于今年四月初,举行街边派发福音单张的活动,并开始在Boronia Park设立室外早茶时间,同时向路过的社区居民派发单张,介绍国语堂崇拜,鼓励他们走进教会,参加崇拜,并更多地了解福音,认识基督。五月底,国语堂举办了疫情后第一次爱宴,近五十人参加,其中有不少慕道的朋友,不但使弟兄姊妹在主内有美好团契,更给予新来的慕道朋友,参与其中,加深彼此认识,宣传基督福音。

