路加團 Luke Fellowship

Caleb Wong 黃頌賢弟兄



2022年,世界各處都發生戰爭災禍,數十萬人離開他們的家鄉,去到不熟悉的環境尋求一點安全。他們不知道還有沒有機會重回他們出生及成長的地方,甚至不知道家人的安危。我們身邊也不乏正在經歷這些巨浪的親友,不知道甚麼時候再能夠相見?眼見每週也有新面孔來到我們的教會,不禁自問,我們能給予他們一個怎樣的家呢?我相信家不是一個單單遮風擋雨的地方,而是一個無論笑喊悲喜、巨浪翻起時,亦能待在一起的地方。愛…是有溫度、是有重量、是代表著關係。神放了甚麼人在你的心內呢?盼望我們能夠珍惜彼此的關係,一同跟隨我們的主耶穌基督, 去抵抗世界的荒誕。

圖書館 Library

Allan Wong 黃旭麟弟兄



Board of Deacons

Deacon Andrew Lam

Welcome again to the church’s annual report.

This year, the church was finally able to be lively again and meet in person. Although everyone was still wearing masks, we could still feel the joy of seeing each other from our eyes. I hope that we will experience God’s abundant grace through the power of praying for each other and physical church service and fellowship. I would like to take this time to review with you what the BOD have done in the past year.

First, there have been two important times when the church gradually returned to normal from the pandemic. In mid-December of last year, the church officially entered the fourth stage of pandemic preparedness, and brothers and sisters were finally able to sing aloud in physical church services and fellowship groups (yes! Singing out loud is such a joy!) The church continues to be in the fourth stage of pandemic prevention. Which delayed resumption of children’s Sunday school till May 2022. At the same time, the 9am Cantonese service resumed.

One of the major events was the Mandarin congregation started their worship service at Boronia Grove Community Centre in April 2022. There were many difficulties encountered throughout the preparation process but through God’s provision and the unity of brothers and sisters, the congregation persevered, and the Centre continues to be used wisely. May God use this new place to reach out to more neighbours and let them know and accept the Gospel.

BOD has spent time preparing different facilities within the church. These include:

• Maintenance of projector lighting in Hall 1 and Hall 2.

• Installing a hot water heater and refrigerator in the kitchen.

• New cabinet in the flower arrangement department.

• New TVs in the children’s Sunday school classroom and Hall 2.

• Delivering cleaning and repair services for church premises.

We would like to thank everyone who participated.

Some of the things BOD are still working on and the challenges we are facing are:

• Repairing cracks in different areas of the building.

• Spring church cleaning and year end lunch.

• Preparing and setting up the church cloud system.

• Dealing with different government regulations.

• Promoting the importance of safety ministry training.

• Developing a child protection law for the church (now with over 115 Sunday school students).

• Increasing transparency of church finances

All of this also requires your participation and prayers.

Before I close, let me thank God again that the entire deacon board has been united in dealing with different challenges over the years. We have also brought different needs of the church to each congregation to build, protect, and prepare this place for God’s use.

Let Psalm 67:1-2 be our prayer.

May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us. so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations.


Andrew Lam 林建隆執事

很高興再次跟大家在教會年報中見面。 今年教會終於可以再次熱鬧起來。雖然大家還是帶着口罩,但從眼神中還能感受到互相見面問候的喜樂。但願大家從實體敎會崇拜和團契中一起經歷神豐富的恩典和互相守望禱告的能力。藉着這個時間跟大家一起回顧過去一年中執事會所面對的事情。

先給大家簡單回顧一下教會從疫情中逐步回復正常的兩個重要時間。上年12月中教會正式進入防疫第四階段,弟兄姊妹終於可以在教會實體崇拜和團契小組中開聲唱詩(對!開聲唱詩也是恩典!)。因疫情的反覆,兒童主日學要到五月才恢復實體授課。同一時間,九時粵語崇拜亦重新開始。當中的一件大事就是國語堂在四月開始在Boronia Grove Cummunity Centre崇拜聚會。從整個籌備中遇到的不同困難見證了神的供應和弟兄姊妹的合一。願神藉着這個新地方接觸更多附近的鄰居。讓更多鄰居認識和接受福音。


  • 教堂不同地方裂痕的修補;
  • 春季大掃除和年終聚餐;
  • 籌備和建立教會雲端系統;
  • 處理政府不同的法規要求;
  • 推廣事工安全培訓的重要性 (safety ministry training);
  • 制定教會的兒童保護法(現已超過115名主日學生);
  • 增加教會財政的透明度。




願 神憐憫我們,賜福與我們,用臉光照我們,好叫世界得知祢的道路,萬國得知祢的救恩。

多加姊妹團 Dorcas Women’s Fellowship

Mei Mak麥秀美姊妹/Candy Lau劉玉娥姊妹



盼望我們把生命建立在信仰實踐為目標的方向上, 達至歸屬群體的需要,學習彼此牧養及互動, 以致我們能夠在生活中展現神的作為, 榮耀主名!

今年團契週會內容主要有:查經、手工篇、專題健康講座、戶外郊遊、美食創作及關愛行動日(shoe box)等。

六月份的健康講座是情緒管理, 講員是Annette Tse姊妹 。因應過去兩年疫情的反覆,讓我們了解和學習如何控制負面情緒, 用正面的思維去面對困難, 靠主得力。

查經方面, 今年繼續選用了葉福成牧師和師母合著的「給她讚賞」作查經材料, 藉聖經中婦女的經歷, 加深我們更認識神的愛和看顧,學習她們的信心、勇氣和順服。
