Minute of AGM 2021


Minutes of the 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Date日期                  19 September 2021

Time時間                 2:00pm to 3:30pm

Quorum法定人數   : 184 out of 316 voting members had voted, which was above the required quorum of 159 (>50% of 316).

CoChair主席          Rev. Constant Chow and Elder Wayne Ng

Secretary文書        Elder Jack Cheng


  1. Adopted the minutes of 2020 AGM and 2021 EGM.
  2. Adopted the Church Business and Ministry reports for 2020/21.
  3. Adopted the auditor’s report for 2020/21.
  4. Adopted the financial report for 2020/21 and budget for 2021/22.
  5. Adopted the proposed changes in the By-law to Church Constitutions. 179 votes agreed the change which is 97.3% of the total votes.  This is well above the required 75% to pass the motion.
  6. Adopted the pastor contract renewal (a 3-year term from Jan 2022 to Dec 2024) for Rev Leo Kwan as acting senior pastor.  This is above the required 75% to pass the motion.
  7. Adopted the pastor contract renewal (a 3-year term from Jan 2022 to Dec 2024) for Rev Andrew Tibbs as associate pastor of English ministry.  This is above the required 75% to pass the motion.
  8. Elected Kwok Wai Cheung as elder (a 3-year term from Jan 2022 to Dec 2024).  This is above the required 75% to pass the motion.
  9. Elected Deacons (Jan 2022 to Dec 2022) – all candidates received at least 162 votes which is well above the minimum requirement of 93 votes (>50% of 184): Elected deacons are Andrew Lam, Betty Tu, Carmen Li, Carol Du, Chris Tu, Gary Chang, Iris Chung, John Leung, Nancy Chan, Pal Dou and Ricky Choi.


2. 通過接納二零二一年年報內的會務及事工簡報。

3. 通過接納二零二零/二一年核數師報告。

4. 通過接納二零二零/二一年財務報告及二零二一/二二年財務預算。

5. 通過接納修訂會章附則的建議(得票超過出席會友人數184的四份之三)。

6. 通過續聘粵語事工牧者關文卓牧師為署理主任牧師(三年聘約:2022年1月至2024年12月)[得票超過出席會友人數184的四份之三]。

7.   通過續聘英語事工牧者Andrew Tibbs牧師為英語事工牧者(三年聘約:2022年1月至2024年12月)[得票超過出席會友人數184的四份之三]。

8.   通過選出張國偉弟兄(得票超過出席會友人數184的四份之三)出任長老(任期三年:2022至2024)

9.   通過選出以下十一位弟兄姊妹成為二零二二年度執事(得票高於162票,超過出席會友人數184的半數):林建隆弟兄、徐江寶華姊妹、李李嘉雯姊妹、杜陳秩如姊妹、徐承志弟兄、張幹元弟兄、鍾李翠霞姊妹、梁偉勤弟兄、陳駱麗明姊妹、杜駿驊弟兄及蔡宏基弟兄。



在過去兩年多, 北宣以至雪梨眾教會, 一同經歷世代的巨變, 同時經歷神的保守及恩典, 今提起筆桿寫下感言, 作回顧亦作為前瞻, 盼望在主裡互相勉勵,

2020年初開始的大流行,教會不單單在主日崇拜受衝擊, 更在牧養關懷,團契生活,接觸社區, 都變得紛亂無序,大流行疫情疫情, 政府防疫政策下, 人心變得虛怯, 使教會的崇拜及其它實體聚會都需要轉為網絡上進行, 在曠日持久的境况下,牧養信徒, 都是充滿挑戰. 雖有網絡軟件的幫助, 聚會只能在網上進行, 信徒亦習慣這模式, 網絡有著各樣的靈糧的供應, 得在神的話語上得造就, 可是這却不能代替實體的牧養關懷, 信徒身心靈的健康仍然受折損, 祈盼在疫情後, 信徒能回復「信望愛的群體」, 作主見證.

在疫情下, 周牧師本計劃於2020尾退休的他, 在繁重複雜的事工上, 及牧者隊工預計的轉變, 他願意退休延後至2021尾, 使各樣事有序地安排妥善, 為周牧師的忠心感謝神;

同時教會在定2021主題為「存基督心,化危為機」, 點出教會正面對,世代轉變, 的挑戰 預計後疫情的教會生態會急速網絡化, 實體聚會跟網絡世界之間的爭持, 疫情只是將現况加快顯露出來,教會亦尋找當中的牧養及福音機遇,


在2021年中教牧同工在禱告中尋求神北宣教會的異象及方向, 設定要回歸信仰根基, 重尋索教會存在目的及使命, 因此定下教會未來兩年(2022-23)年度主題為, 「存基督心, 愛主你神, Having the Mind of Christ, Loving the Lord your God」(2022), 「存基督心, 愛鄰如己, Having the Mind of Christ, Loving your neighbours」(2023) 正如主基督所設定的大誡命「主耶穌說:『你要盡心、盡性、盡,意、盡力愛主─你的神。』其次就是說:『要愛人如己。』」(可12:30-31). 因此在講台上- 羅馬書(2021下半年) 扎穩根基 2022年透過講台及小組查考   「出埃及記」, 從中學習神的屬性與神的救贖.


過去一年, 除卻疫情下帶來的衝擊外, 教牧隊工的轉變, 包括周牧師的退休, 周傳道蒙神呼召在神學上繼續進修而辭去牧職, 在去年中同時設立三個聘牧小組(主任牧師, 國語堂牧者以及青少年事工牧者), 面對人看為不可能的任務,教會的長執,領袖,會眾都帶來擔心疑慮, 但小信的我(我們), 卻是經歷神的信實, 神對教會的恩慈及憐憫,禱告蒙神的應允, 使我們看見神的奇妙作為(李新寧傳道六月已入職為國語堂傳道, 蔡沛良牧師在完成所需程序過程中, 將會成為北宣的主任牧師, 另有一位應聘者, 主若願意的, 將會是青年事工牧者).


北宣在2021中年邀請梁明生牧師, 舉辦名為「教會發展策略初探研討會」的工作坊, 檢視教會的屬靈境况, 領袖特質及事工結構, 而建構未來發展的可行性, 在「教會發展策略初探研討會」的工作坊完成後, 得出的結論是:教會在面對方向性的發展, 仍是有欠缺去推動策略性的改變, 在這結論下, 似乎被「失望」遮蓋, 但借用使徒保羅在林後六章的鼓勵說話, 「似乎憂愁, 卻是常常快樂…….卻是樣樣都有」,我卻相信神不是要北宣「求”發展”」, 卻是觀看神已擺放各樣「需要」在我們眼前, 在不同語言會眾的需要, 例如國語堂的社區外展事工, 英語堂的青少年事工, 粵語堂的新移民及兒童事工, 這一切, 正正就是神托付北宣的工作及挑戰. 回想神回應北宣聘牧過程中, 祂差派僕人, 正顯示神的作為, 北宣需要的是作神的忠心僕人, 不是眼瞎耳聾的, 卻是仰賴神, 如經上所記: 「看哪,僕人的眼睛怎樣望主人的手….我們的眼睛也照樣望耶和華我們的神」又說「但那等候耶和華的必從新得力。他們必如鷹展翅上騰;他們奔跑卻不困倦,行走卻不疲乏。」(以賽亞書40:31).

差傳部 Mission Task Force

Elder Kwok-Wai Cheung 張國偉長老


• Dubbo 短宣承諾到2023年(今年已出發日期30/1/22- 1/2/22, 26-28/3/22,  21-23/5/22 , 23-25/7/22)。

• 各團契認領宣教士為宣教伙伴:迦勒團(Caleb)M & L約書亞團(Joshua)Alice Deng
路加團(Luke)~D & E雅歌團(Song of Songs)~E & C約翰團(John)~E & C保羅团 (Paul)~Y & G
婦女團 (Dorcas)Susanna Tse國語堂團契~Jessie Wei。

• 差關祈禱會(每月第四個星期五晚上舉行)。

• 崇拜中為宣教士代禱。

• 敎會祈禱會經常為宣教事工祈禱亦在Zoom進行(每星期三晩上)。

• 今年差傳事工委員會成員為關文卓牧師丶張國偉長老丶吳劍榮長老、柯美奕長老及張幹元執事;而本年度2022差傳年會備委員會成員跟上年度一樣是關文卓牧師丶張國偉長老、何玉玲姊妹丶廖嘉盛弟兄及鄧璧儀姊妹;年會在八月二十四日至二十八日舉行,主題為:「穆(木)宣在門前~M~Mission on Doorstep 」;講員為羅惠強宣教士,他有多年服侍穆斯林羣體的經驗,近年參與並且服侍住在曼彻斯特的穆斯林移民羣體。


總務團隊-執事會 General Affairs of BoD

John Leung 梁偉勤執事



  1. 四月分教會大掃除
    1. 堂内外清潔: 玻璃門/窗、防蚊網、冷氣機隔麈網、地氈、座椅等;
    1. 教堂外四周圍: 修剪四周樹枝、剪草、清理車道樹葉、外牆清潔等;
    1. 聯略Parramatta City Council收集樹枝和雜物。
  2. 七月分為十一時正的崇拜會眾和兒童主日學進行消防演習;
  3. 設施維修、更新及安裝: 更換燈膽、修理門鎖、安裝新橱柜(一樓的廚房);
  4. 外判工程: 消防設施定期檢測,確保附合市政廳的規定、更新年度消防安全聲明 (Annual Fire Safety Statement), 維修隔鄰(61A and 61B)的籬笆, 地氈維修(Hall 1 & 2)及地氈更新( 楼梯),

我們能夠進行和完成以上各項事務,都有賴你們的參與和禱告記念;讓大家經歷神的同在和 賜福, 在信仰生活裡操練信心和享受美好恩典的回憶!

Children Sunday School

Lemon Choi 蔡林文詩姊妹

<<To mould and be moulded>>

With the introduction of a new norm of life in pandemic and the gradual lifting of the restrictions by the Government toward the end of Year 2021, the teaching team organised a Christmas party for different grades on different Sundays at church so that the children could enjoy the fellowship and celebrate the joy of Christmas together.

Although Children Sunday School remained with online teaching after the summer term break, Core Team had set a road map for returning to church with face-to-face teaching. As the operation of Children Sunday School was heavily impacted by the pandemic since its beginning in Year 2020, rebuilding the bonding within the community is of utmost importance. Core team would like to strengthen the partnership of nurturing our children in the Word of God with our community. In the journey of assisting our children to build a lifelong relationship with our Heavenly Father, not only the children will be moulded by His Word, but also the teaching team, parents and all brothers and sisters within the community.

“Yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.” Isaiah 64:8

Based on the teaching in Isaiah 64:8, Core team has set the theme of Children Sunday School as To Mould and Be Moulded.

Year 2022 officially kicked off with an online teaching fleet orientation and opening ceremony in January. Though they were online events, children had an enjoyable time from the worship, mini games and the bible message.

Online teaching remained the most challenging task during the pandemic, especially for the younger age group. Therefore, a training for teachers in early stage 1 was organised to share the experience in lesson planning, ways to engage preschool age children and usage of zoom for delivering the class.

While usual classes were delivered via zoom in the first few months of Year 2022, children were invited to join a fun filled, yet inspirational Easter Sunday Program at church in April. Children experienced the life of Jesus through 4 different activity stations and many of them were excited with the new experience. The patience of the community and the effort to participate during the online teaching period is very much appreciated. After the long-awaited time, face-to-face class at church was resumed in May and Nursery class was restarted in June. To protect the church community, Core Team has introduced the Covid Management Plan. We are truly thankful for the love and care displayed by brothers and sisters through adhering closely to the guidelines.

Both children and the teaching team settled well after returning to church. To support the development of biblical teaching, Core Team would like to resume regular training to the teaching fleet. In late May, Pastor Alan Au of Captivate Presbyterian Church and his team were invited to deliver a training on the topic – Gospel DNA. About 30 brothers and sisters have attended the training and the training gave us new insight into the purpose of Children Sunday School and how we can teach a Christ-centred lesson in helping to make disciples.

Apart from the development of biblical teaching, we endeavour to establish a stronger partnership to flourish our children in His Word with our community. Since Year 2021, Core Team has published the housekeeping notes to the community to provide updates on Children Sunday School related matters. A Children Sunday School Service was organised in July to let the community have a better understanding about Children Sunday School and its history as well. Some historical teaching materials, photos and artefacts were displayed in the foyer of church. In addition, children had the opportunity to join their parents to worship at Hall 1 and Pastor Hiram presented a kid’s talk on the topic To mould and be moulded in the service.

The children then returned to classrooms for follow-up activities. Both parents and children were in delight and treasured the worship time together. We were also touched by the message from the kid’s talk and sermon. To walk together with our parents in building the faith of the children, a kid’s library was set up in the cry room and will open soon. Thanks to the donation of second-hand books from brothers and sisters, we have a wide range of collections in the library, from the devotion book for young children to books on parenting in the Christianity world. Pray that we will all be moulded by His Word in the journey.

The relationship among our teaching members was enhanced by the team building retreat in July. It was probably one of the most interesting retreats we ever had. From the games and a challenging Lego building task designed by Pastor Hiram and Zeason, the 25 brothers and sisters who participated got to know more about other team members. We shared the difficulties we faced, and we were encouraged and refreshed with the reflections from other brothers and sisters. Together, we can build a better big picture in the Children Ministry with the guidance from God.

Praise be to the Lord! By the grace from Above, we have hurdled through many challenges last year. With the notable influx of new migrants and returning families with young children from Hong Kong, we project there will be over 100 children in our care in Year 2023 and 10 classes with a minimum of 56 teachers and teaching assistants are needed to meet the demands. The harvest field is plentiful, yet, more brothers and sisters are needed in the Children Ministry in helping the children to root in His Words. Please keep the Children Ministry in your prayers and we trust that our faithful God will continue to provide our needs.

保羅團 Paul Fellowship

Joe Chan 陳祖華弟兄

今年教會主題是: 「存基督心, 愛主你神。」我們團契的主題是: 「愛神更深, 愛人更真。」聖經的金句是: 「愛神的,也當愛弟兄,  這是我們從  神 所受的命令 。」約一書4:21

我們的新團歌 「每一日」, 雖然歌詞簡短, 但對我們每天是一個好的提醒。 雖然疫情仍然肆虐, 但我們和所支持的海外宣教士Y & G, 仍然保持緊密的聯絡;年初在他們服侍的地方乾旱缺水, Y 公開募捐購買水車以協助災民;保羅團並教會都有熱烈支持, 幸好災情其後也好轉了。Y & G因為孩子們漸漸長大,  需要帶他們返回澳洲讀書,  正尋求神帶領他們下一步的服事。

因疫情的關係,我們的例會和大組活動都改為網上或被迫取消, 上年最後的大組活動是「傳福音~各施各法」,在網上舉行, 主要是三位肢體分享個人傳福音的經歷,比較特別是一位肢體要在街上和一些陌生人傳福音。最近的另一次大組活動於上個月舉行, 這次是很久以來的第一次實體聚會, 主題是「你、我、祂 ( 與神關係的剖白) 」。我們原是希望多些怯生的組員參加分享, 所以不設立固定分享者, 可惜未能成事;另外又有多人感染流感, 不能出席, 所以出席人數頗低。還幸有倆位新朋友參加, 其中一位還主動參與分享, 對我們很是鼔勵。真希望疫情可以儘快受控, 讓教會可以恢復團契正常活動。

團契其他興趣小組各有不同發展,  每月查經活動都很穩定,  每次約有12-15人參加 , 大家自由分享, 互相學習, 多謝John 弟兄帶領。Leisure Walk 小組 有也有多次出遊, 大家都可以享受郊外的新鮮空氣, 又可以暢談, 加深互相認識;希望多些晴朗日子, 可以多些外出暢遊。詩歌小組因為主要成員離開保羅團, 因為缺乏領導, 所以要解散;不過相信他們還是會在教會服侍。乒乓小組因為 疫情的關係 ,  暫停活動, 希望可以很快可以重新啟動。

雅歌團 Song of Songs Fellowship

Allan Wong 黃旭麟弟兄

從今年初開始,雅歌團契重點查考「出埃及記」、及實踐「熱誠款待」(羅馬書12:13 – 聖徒缺乏要幫補;客要一味的款待。)



長青團 Evergreen Fellowship

Catherine Lo 盧汪美莉姊妹





約翰團 John Fellowship

Andy Lee 李本怡弟兄

約翰團今年的主題仍然是「跟隨基督心, 活出信望愛」。顧團長老由張國偉長老擔任,主要職員不變,人數約六十人。 

今年度查考聖經是出埃及記, 其中很多故事是描述以色列人面對苦難和信心的掙扎, 給我們作借鏡去面對生活上的困難, 學習信靠神。部分團契小組在年初恢復實體聚會, 但由於疫情反覆, 大部分小組又重回線上進行。

正因疫情緣故,大組活動無法如期舉行;只能在六月完成了一次戶外活動, 有分享、野餐和行山。預計在年底前將再舉行大組活動。

約翰團關顧的宣教士~M&L,終於在1月順利出發前往非洲。受到當地大學領導層和學生的歡迎, 生活安定下來, 亦已開始學習當地語言。今年教會的城鄉外展活動,約翰團團友也有參與。求主賜予宣教士和北宣外展事工平安, 加力給他們, 開更多的門讓福音得以傳開。

約書亞團 Joshua Fellowship

Stanley Lau 劉智超弟兄


團契主要為年青家庭而設(小孩年齡由初生至十二歲)。聚會時間是每月第四個星期六下午4-6時及第四個星期日下午2 – 4時。兒女是耶和華所賜的產業~感謝神在過去多年給與北宣家許多祝福。但家庭亦因此要面對新生兒及小孩成長的不同挑戰。縱使如此,弟兄姊妹仍甘心樂意,懷著感恩的心彼此相顧,效法基督,為我們的下一代立下美好的榜樣。

今年團契職員如下: 團長 Stanley Lau;  副團長及財務 Mary Wong ; 文書 Thomas Fung; 組長有 Anthony Au Yeung, Cathy Lam, Kari Yu, Kay Wong and Stanley Lau ; Children Program 由 Kay and Kari負責編寫及設計教材;查經由 Hiram Lau 傳道負責;導師有Esther Cheang and Eric 及 Connie and Johnny(Connie及Johnny因團契進入穩定階段於今年七月辭去導師職務);團牧是 Hiram Lau 傳道。

團契主題為「 Team 加主的愛。」感謝神!由於Covid疫情放緩,4月我們於Rydalmere Upjohn Park進行了團契Outing, 大約90多人參加;彼此有了美好相交的一天。在6月我們更恢復了實體團契及聚餐。在此要多謝Kay and Kari 姊妹為團契設計Children Program,不但讓我們在忙碌照顧孩子外,能有片刻安靜主前、聆聽及思考神的話語(查經)及有「鬆一鬆」 的時間,同時也讓孩童可以透過詩歌、禱告和遊戲認識神。另一方面,團契推行了三人行(caring bubble),希望我們可以彼此守望,沒有一人失落。同是在6月,我們參加了Alice Dang宣教士所屬會 「Power to Change」主辦的 Mission Night,讓我們認識到神如何透過留學生把福音傳到世界。
