MES Music Team

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Praise God that the music team has been running smoothly in the past year. The ministry has experienced many joys in the past year of serving MES.

One of the main joys has been the return to in-person, live services where our congregation can participate in singing with the music team during worship. This has allowed all attending congregation members to “teach and admonish one another… through psalms, hymns and songs from the Spirit” with the “message of Christ” (Colossians 3:16). We give thanks to God for enabling MES to worship God together through congregational singing.

As a result of live, congregational singing, the MES worship team has been able to introduce several new songs, as well as increase the number of songs sung per service to three. We have also trialled a theme song, “I Want to Know You”, to support the sermon series on Knowing God. Praise God for our faithful song leaders who choose songs with Biblical lyrics to sing each week, helping our congregation to worship God and meditate on theological truths in the sermon.

While recruiting new members has been a challenge, praise God for our existing members, who eagerly serve week after week to ensure the smooth running of the worship team.

As we move into another year, we continue to depend on God for his provision for the worship team at MES. We hope to run more events, raise up more leaders, train up more musicians and most importantly, help our congregation to faithfully worship God.

                                                                                                            Alex Lei (on behalf of MES Music Team)

Categories: 2022年年報